My Philosophy
I approach counselling from an existential perspective. That means that, according to the main tenets of the philosophy of existentialism, we deeply respect and value the unique subjectivity of each client. We enjoy communicating with individuals with different religious and cultural background. We value personal choices as expressions of meaning, and we do not think there are scales to measure or judge every person’s unique preferences.
Another quality we want to accompany our counselling theory and activity is non-mimetic. This means that we think that in the contemporary world it is essential to understand the type of societal pressure we all face. As René Girard, a French philosopher and anthropologist, explained in his works, it is in our nature to imitate other human beings, but we often fail to notice that by engaging in imitation and competition, we may lose track of our genuine life goals. Counselling can help one find personal clarity of our goals, work and relationships.
Finally, following the teaching of the American Psychologist James Hillman, my counselling is considered social and relational. That means that our personal wellbeing is possible only if we fight to restore our relationships and (as much as possible) the well-being of our community. Other counselling techniques that focus only on the individual will never be able to give people access to actual personal happiness. Our family and social environment must be taken care of as an essential part of our soul, as they are the “humus” that allows us to grow and enrich our ideas, feelings and emotions.